
I’ve always wanted to have a blog. I actually started one, made a few posts which was fun, but easily lost interest when I realized the mechanics far outweighed the sheer fun of it. I really approached it from a technical standpoint and wanted the best design, professional looking pictures, all the must have plug ins, etc. This was all well over my head so it just drifted off, but I paid for that domain to be published for two and a half years before I finally put it to rest.

So, the long and short reason I have made a return to the blogging scene is that I want to share my recipes with friends and family . Especially my daughter who swears she’s going to live at home “at least until I’m 25”. I insist that isn’t happening, but that she definitely needs to know how to feed herself. I enjoy sharing thoughts, ideas and would love any feedback you’re all willing to share.

So, I’m not technically forty. I’m 39 (and a half), but I am very fortunate. I am a single mother of an amazing 19 year old daughter who’s in her second year of college and while we’re both squarely in the homebody category, we still have random adventures all the time. In truth, I don’t have a “theme” I want to stick to on my blog. I’m just a well rounded, if not random individual who is hoping to share ideas and connect with like minded people. That will probably entail you, as the reader to just join me in my life. And I have to tell you upfront, I tend to have a potty mouth. Though I will reel myself in here, I’m pretty liberal (that is the only time we will mention it), I’ve got a lot of exciting things happening right now and I like to DIY any and everything I can.

I bought my first house a year ago this month and I honestly thought I would be so excited to decorate and do DIY projects, but I life got in the way. Then I quickly realized decorating is harder in a house than an apartment because you’re not only free to make real changes, but you start thinking long term. Like, if I paint the downstairs wall will the color make it seem bigger/smaller, should it be an accent wall or ??? Do I pick the curtains first so I can match the paint? What’s my style? And then soon you’re just paralyzed, but I’m determined to make the place look lived in. I’ll be the first to tell you, I’m not the best at anything but I’ve got tons of ideas and I like to try as many as I can.

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